Томоэ картинка #53362


Tomoe tends to be cunning and sly as well as seemingly unaware of his own attractiveness, but knows when to use his charms and handsome appearance when necessary to do so. He has a tendency to mock others due to him not being able to trust others that easily, such as at the beginning of the series where he said that there was no way a human girl like Nanami Momozono could be a god. He was very cold and condescending towards Nanami at first, but eventually warmed up to her and fell in love with her over time. Tomoe is extremely powerful and is capable of using kitsunebi, or fox-fire as well as using enchanted leaves to transform or control others.

He has a short temper, often shouting or telling Nanami off for being late home or for being clumsy, and is also quite straightforward and blunt, telling Nanami that she is annoying when she asked him about it one day. However, he has a strong sense of loyalty and pride, as well as very protective towards those he cares about.

Томоэ и Мидзуки

Мидзуки – белая змея сикигами и второй фамильяр Нанами Момодзоно. У Мидзуки белые волосы и зеленые змеиные глаза, белые ресницы и бледная кожа. Он обычно носит традиционную японскую одежду, как и Томоэ. Мидзуки вел очень замкнутый образ жизни, пока не встретил Нанами Момозоно.

Томоэ и Мидзуки c самого начала невзлюбили друг друга. Эти двое начали как враги, и спустя время их отношения незначительно улучшились. Однако их неприязнь друг к другу из-за ревности. Ведь Мидзуки пустили в их храм и приняли как фамильяра Нанами. Змей хороший манипулятор и проницательный парень. Он часто пытался поссорить Нанами и Томоэ, чтобы самому выглядит хорошим в глазах Нанами.

Тамоэ в прошлом

В прошлом Томоэ был жестоким и беспощадным ёкаем. Он и его компаньон Акура-оу, король демонов, жестоко буйствовали в мире людей и ёокаев. Их буйство внезапно прекратилось после того, как дикий лис подвергся нападению со стороны бога войны Икусагами. В этой битве дикий лис был серьезно ранен, но ему удалось убежать к реке. Он был очень обессилен, но смог превратится в ребенка, чтобы обмануть своих преследователей. Там он и встретил одну красивую и добрую молодую девушку.

Томоэ влюбился в человеческую девушку и решил стать человеком. Он был так очарован человеческой девушкой, что был готов отказать йокаем и стать простым смертным. Они живут вместе в хижине. Однако их счастье длилось не долго, и после одного случая Юкиджи умирает.


  • The name Tomoe

    The name Tomoe is a rare female Japanese name that means «friend and blessing». It’s also a Japanese abstract shape (a swirl) that resembles a comma or the usual form of magatama. The symbol is quite similar to the Yin-Yang symbol for balance and it is made up of interlocked flames resembling tadpoles.

     means «earth», «death» and/or «blessing» in Japanese.

  • Tomoe wears different outfits in the anime and manga:
    • In the manga, he is seen wearing fancy kimonos with butterfly patterns
    • In the anime, he is seen wearing regular kimonos (some of which are adorned with flower patterns).
  • Tomoe is actually over 628 years old.
  • In the manga, Tomoe’s eyes are portrayed as being yellowish or even green in color, but in the anime and some of the covers of the manga, his eyes are a purple color.
  • According to Akura-ou, Tomoe has a fox-like habit of hiding his precious things. This could explain why Tomoe is always trying to hide Nanami Momozono away from others, males included.
  • Tomoe refers to Nanami in different formal names:
    • In the manga, he refers to her as his «Master»
    • In the anime, he refers to her as either his «Lady» or «Mistress»
  • Tomoe seems to have a fascination with hair.
    • In the manga we see him kiss Yukiji’s hair while holding her. He buys Nanami a hairpin even though she rarely puts her hair up, and then finds a reason to use it later (showing that he is good at hair styling). He plays with young-Nanami’s hair in the 12 Zodiac arc. We also see him getting his hair cut (after he is changed back to normal from his chibi self). In chapter 92 Tomoe holds Nanami while patting her head, touching her hair.
    • In the anime, Episode 6, Tomoe plays with her bangs after checking her temperature.
  • Tomoe’s favorite food is sasamochi (bamboo leaf-covered rice cake). He came to like it because originally Nanami fed it to him when he was injured in the past arc although he has no recollection of it in present.
  • In the manga, he had 3 types of hairstyles, one similar to Kirihito Mori’s current hairstyle, a bob cut and his long hair, however, in the anime, Tomoe was only seen having the latter two.
  • Tomoe never fell in love with Yukiji and the woman he fell in love with was Nanami — who was disguised as Yukiji. Tomoe described the things he loved about Yukiji to Kuromaro, all of which were about Nanami or things she had done while in his presence.
  • Tomoe has only ever shed tears twice in the manga, but never in the anime.
  • Due to his hair length, catlike ears, and tail, most of the fans often compare Tomoe to Inuyasha, the half-demon from the anime series Inuyasha.
  • Tomoe has shown a fondness for roller coasters.

Томоэ характер персонажа

Томоэ хитрый, умный и очень привлекательный парень. У него есть склонность насмехаться над другими. У него вспыльчивый характер, он часто кричит, а также довольно прямолинеен и резок. Однако, несмотря на свой характер, он очень заботливый. Стоит отметить, что он даже научился готовить ради Нанами, так как она человек и ей необходимо питаться. Он готов любой ценой защитить близких, и если близкий ему человек попадает в беду, он сделает все, чтобы спасти его.   

Лис хоть и гордый, но снисходителен по отношению к другим, особенно к людям. На самом деле, лис часто мил и услужлив, когда дело касается его хозяйки. Он старается угодить её прихотям, ухаживает за ней и решает все её проблемы.

Power & Abilities[]

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Tomoe’s unbound abilities elevate him very nearly to a god himself, and a short-tempered one at that. His powers, charm, and good looks make him highly desirable as a shinshi among the many envious gods of he and Nanami’s acquaintance, and a source of terror to other yokai.

Tomoe as a familar

In his early days as a wild fox, Tomoe was known for his ability to control vast oceans of foxfire, a supernatural inferno capable of quickly reducing his enemies to piles of ash. He can also use his foxfire to fly through the air, locate persons or objects or simply light the way home. He is a formidable swordsman and can change his appearance and that of others with the aid of enchanted leaves. He has exceptional hearing, strength, dexterity, and a dependable «sixth sense». His fingers and toes are tipped with razor-sharp claws, and he is not above using them should the need arise. Perhaps most deadly of all, however, he is highly intelligent, sly, courageous, clever, and resourceful.

Nor can it be denied that Tomoe can be a hard worker when he sets his mind to it. Though he certainly enjoys his leisure time, he takes very seriously his duties as a shinshi of Mikage shrine, and is meticulous in ensuring that everything is kept clean and in good repair on a daily basis. He also protects and cares for Nanami, handling all the cooking, cleaning, and laundry while she is at school or practicing her divine powers. Though he himself does not need to eat, he threw himself into the perfection of his culinary skills with very positive results. This too has become a weapon in the clever fox’s arsenal, as he will passive-aggressively insert shitaki mushrooms into Nanami’s food when she has irritated him in some way, or threaten to cook an enemy or turn them into sashimi.

Tomoe’s Kitsunebi (Fox-fire)

Kitsunebi (Fox-fire): Tomoe is able to control enchanted blue flames called kitsunebi, allowing him to burn anything around him at will. In the anime it is shown that the kitsunebi have short-life spans, dissipating once their job is done, as well as being able to talk and have their own personalities.

Tomoe used this ability many times, such as when he was trying to burn up Yonomori shrine and when he is fighting.

Tomoe using one of his enchanted leaves to transform Kurama into an ostrich after he tried to go after Nanami.

  1. Transform: He uses enchanted leaves to transform himself or someone into something else. He transformed Kurama into an ostrich while he turned Himemiko’s servant into a fish, threatening his enemies to cook them. He was also able to transform in Nanami and substitute for her when she was sick and couldn’t go to school. Another time this technique was used was when he was mortally wounded by the God of War 500 years ago in the past, transforming himself into a child in an attempt to deceive people into thinking he was a human, not a yokai.

Томоэ Очень приятно Бог аниме манга и фанфики

Нанами Момодзоно – школьница, которая потеряла свой дом из-за долгов отца. Сам родитель скрылся, оставляя девушку одну. Нанами осталась одна, без родных и без возможности остаться у кого-то на ночь. Скитаясь по улице добрая девушка помогает молодому мужчине, спасая его от собак. Мужчина, он же Бог Земли, приглашает девушку в свой дом, чтобы та присмотрела за домом. пока сам будет в отъезде. Так Нанами и начинает жить в забытом синтоистском храме с его жильцами.

  • Аниме: https://jut.su/kamisama/
  • Манга: https://mangalib.me/kamisama-hajimemashita?section=chapters
  • Фанфики: https://ficbook.net/collections/3703878

Plot Overview[]

Contract with Nanami

When he meets Nanami he despises her and leaves the Temple, marching to the Red District of The Other World. The girl despite her anger, seeing the effort that Tomoe had made for the Temple, goes there but he refuses to return, so that in a fury he intends to go to the Mikage Temple to look for his things to leave from there definitely, but on the way is deceived by a witch who invites her to stay at home to devour it later. Once convinced by Kotetsu goes to «rescue Nanami», who escaped from the witch’s abode with Onikiri and he was being persecuted by her. Although at first he only went to the place to humiliate her saying that he would save her only if she asked for forgiveness, Nanami falls from a branch and he accompanies her in his fall telling her that he still has the opportunity to save himself if he pleads for his life. While the human girl is falling, without allowing Tomoe to humiliate her, she gives him a surprise kiss that seals the pact between Landgod and familiar. From that moment, reluctantly, Tomoe becomes Nanami’s familiar and defeats the witch.

Journey to the Past

Again that curse, Tomoe, wishing that Nanami did not see him in such a deplorable state, is hidden by Mikage in the Magic Mirror that he once used to hide from the Goddess of Lightning, who did it because Yukiji is a woman who brings misfortune to be always surrounded by demons with highly destructive power and, if he does not kill her there, the demons will come and wipe out all the existing life He also mentions that he was forced by a woman to seek a Fallen God. After that the fox returns to the room where Yukiji is, already in labor. After Yukiji’s delivery, the midwives suggest that Tomoe hold the baby. While holding it has mixed feelings towards humans, since he has been able to love one of them, but also with his strength is able to destroy them easily.


Nanami and Tomoe gets married and Tomoe started working at a office but 10 years after he decides to quit so that he can spend time with his wife. When Tomoe found out about the gender of their child he hoped that they would be just like Nanami etc.

They return to Mikage Shrine after Nanami birthed their son.


Tomoe, 600 years ago

Tomoe’s life nearly came to a premature end 500 years ago when he was taken by surprise in a brothel (a house where men can visit prostitutes) by Ikusagami, the god of war. The gods had decided Tomoe and Akura-ou’s murderous rampage across the human and yokai worlds must come to end, and for that purpose, Ikusagami borrowed a special, sacred sword and went hunting for the white fox.

In the resulting battle, Tomoe’s sword was broken by the superior weapon and he was mortally wounded. He fled to the countryside only to collapse near a river, dying, with a band of armed humans hot on his trail. He made a last desperate effort and transformed himself into a child to fool his pursuers. However, this too came perilously close to failure, if not for the timely arrival of a certain beautiful and kind young girl.

Tomoe’s life before coming to Mikage shrine was violent and bloody. His early days as the companion of Akura-ou, the demon king, were spent carving a path of death and destruction across the human and yokai world. Their rampage came to an abrupt end after Tomoe was attacked and critically wounded by the war god Ikusagami. However, some five hundred years later, the wild fox is still known and feared by every yokai he meets.

The specific events leading up to Mikage’s binding of Tomoe are related to his equally-mysterious romantic history. Long ago, he fell deeply in love with a human girl and made a pact with a fallen god to live out his life as a human, dying when his beloved did. Something went wrong, as he did not become human, but was dying all the same when Mikage found him wandering in the woods. Thanks to Mikage sealing his memories, Tomoe remembered nothing of this area of his life prior to meeting Nanami.

Микаге Очень приятно Бог

Микаге – Бог Земли, сбежавший со своего поста двадцать лет назад. Свою должность и храм он передал Момодзоно Нанами, поставив печать Бога у неё на лбу, после того как она спасла его от собак. Так как мужчина сильно боится собак. У него светлые волосы, носит очки, шляпу и плащ. Бог Земли случайно встретил дикого лиса в лесу.  Увидев лиса в плачевном состоянии, Микагэ решил его спасти. Однако Бог попросил Томоэ дать ему свои силы, а взамен он даст ёкаю новый смысл жизни — быть хранителем. Стоит отметить, что Микаге запечатал внутри лиса старые воспоминания про свои кровавые злодеяния. Микаге научил лиса терпеливо относиться к людям, заботиться о храм.

Жизнь дикого лиса до прихода в храм Микаге была жестокой и кровавой, и спустя пятьсот лет дикую лису все еще знают и боятся все ёкаи.

Томоэ и Нанами

Нанами Момозоно – красивая девушка со светлой кожей, длинными темно-каштановыми волосами и большими карими глазами

Но для обычных земных парней девушка не столь прилекательна, но она захватывает  внимание каждого сверхъестественного существа, с которым вступает в контакт

Девушка добрая, понимающая и заботливая с окружающими. Однако она также отважная и решительная девушка, которая не сдается.

Нанами – новая хозяка Томоэ. Вначале у них были не очень хорошие отношения. Томоэ невзлюбил Нанами и отказывался служить ей из-за того, что она человек. Он очень холодно вёл себя по отношению к своей новой хозяйке, однако, спустя время он начал открываться Нанами. Они много времени проводят вместе, Томоэ всегда рядом и всегда готов прийти на помощь. Нанами полюбила лиса и искренне призналась в своих чувствах к нему, но Томоэ не принял её чувства. Однако спустя некоторое время лис понимает и принимает свои чувства к Нанами. После разговора с Курамой, он решает признаться Нанами, что испытывает к ней теплые и нежные чувства.

Спустя время они связывают себя семейными узами, становясь мужем и женой.

Сила и способности Тамоэ

Лисий огонь:

Томоэ может управлять зачарованным голубым пламенем, что позволяет ему сжигать все вокруг себя по желанию. Этим пламенем он может свободно управлять, как оружием, а также создавать из него ищеек. Также этот лисий огонь может погашать обычный огонь.


Лис с помощью листочков может обратить один предмет в совершенно другой, и тоже самое касается живых существ. Он использует зачарованные листья, чтобы превратить себя или кого-то во что-то другое. Например он превратил Кураму в страуса, а слугу Химэмико превратил в рыбу. Он также мог превращаться в Нанами и заменять ее, когда она болела и не могла ходить в школу.

Также Лис может использовать свой зонт как транспорт или щит. Этот Лис также способен призывать лунную колесницу, принадлежащую Микагэ.

Томоэ и Курама

Курама (Синдзиро) – ёкай тэнгу и поп-звезда в мире людей. У него темные глаза и темно-красного оттенка волосы. Он очень харизматичный, высокомерен и эгоистичен. Вначале он относился враждебно к Нанами и хотел забрать её силу Бога Земли, но позже он поменял своё отношение, он стал гораздо более дружелюбным к Нанами. Тэнгу по-прежнему очень высокомерным со своими поклонниками, но для Нанами он становится хорошим и надежным другом.

Первая встреча Курамы и Томоэ состоялась в школе. Они с самого начала невзлюбили друг друга. Томоэ недолюбливал Кураму из-за ревности, так как Курама способен понимать Нанами и ее человеческие эмоции. Однако спустя время находит общий язык, становясь в некотором роде друзьями. Курама помогает Томоэ понять чувства и эмоции Нанами. Однажды Курама дал Томоэ совет рассказать Нанами о своих чувствах к ней, так как человеческая жизнь слишком коротка, и возможно у него никогда больше не будет других шансов.


Tomoe’s full appearance in the anime.

Tomoe’s over-the-top good looks earn him a bevy of admirers wherever he goes. He usually merely tolerates the attention, rejecting any deeper connection.

Yokai age very slowly. Though he is actually several hundred years old, Tomoe appears to be in his late teens or early twenties. His hair is silver-white, normally worn short but in ages past he allowed it to grow quite long. His ears are large and fox-like, and he is able to manipulate them in a similar fashion. His eyes are angled similarly to a fox’s, with violet fox-like pupils that darken with strong emotion. He also appears to wear eyeliner but that’s most likely not true. He has a very fluffy, full, white tail.

Wild fox Tomoe dressed with considerable flare in a dramatic, flame-patterned kimono, his hair long and loose and with a long samurai sword at his side. As a shinshi he is more conservative, wearing primarily a white yukata with a somber-colored haori in black or dark blue. It is clear he feels most comfortable in traditional clothing and goes barefoot as much as possible. He is ever practical, however, and bows to necessity by dressing in the standard boy’s uniform when he must accompany Nanami Momozono to school.

After the ten-year time skip, Tomoe appeared with shorter hair compared to his original appearance. His fox ears are also gone due to the fact that he no longer is a yokai, a fox spirit.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: